Some really nice new reviews of the freshly released album Deadly Nightshade: by Wouter van Hal (April 9th 2022)
Even de volumeknop naar rechts voor een portie oer Hollandse power.
Pete Lovell is één van die oud gedienden die heerlijk zichzelf blijft tussen al het hedendaagse metalgeweld. Ik ben er letterlijk mee opgegroeid. Picture trad regelmatig hier in Maasluis op want hun basis was precies aan de overkant van de Nieuwe Waterweg in Rozenburg. Mijn eerste kennismaking met Pete was tijdens een optreden van de heren in 1984. Hij was nog niet zo lang bij de band en Eternal Dark was zijn eerste wapenfeit. Als 16-jarig pikkie stond ik helemaal vooraan tegen de vrachtwagentrailer aan gedrukt die dienst deed als podium. Uiteraard blijft dit hangen en neem je dit mee voor de rest van je leven.
Lovell’ Blade is destijds ontstaan toen een aantal bandleden van Picture besloten iets nieuws te beginnen. Naast Pete zijn ook de gitaristen Andre Wullems en Mike Ferguson in 2016 afgesplitst. Drummer Noel van Eersel en bassist Patrick Velis completeren de line-up. Het eerste album werd al snel in 2017 uitgebracht met de titel Stone Cold Steel. Voor mij uiteraard een blinde aanschaf. Deze heren hadden mij nog op geen enkele manier teleurgesteld dus kon het in mijn ogen niet fout. En inderdaad waren al snel Rise And Fall en As Much As I Can mijn favorieten. The Nightmare Begins kwam uit in 2019 en daarna werd het een beetje stil.
Op de achtergrond werd al wel begonnen met het schrijven van deze gloednieuwe schijf die nu 3 jaar later het licht heeft gezien. Corona en persoonlijke omstandigheden hebben het proces flink afgeremd maar nu uiteindelijk is het wachten voorbij.
En ik word zeker weer verwend. Vanaf de eerste aanzet van Running out of Time is het al duidelijk dat dit weer genieten gaat worden. De inmiddels ruim 62 jaar oude frontman heeft nog steeds geen autotune nodig en laat krachtig als altijd van zich horen. De ervaring knalt uit mijn speakers en het kan mij niet hard genoeg. Luister bijvoorbeeld maar eens naar Drivin’ me Crazy of The Cries of the Unheard. Dit zijn toch tracks waar je een album als dit voor aanzet? Fijne toevoeging aan Kalashnikov zijn de toetsen van Edgar van Eersel.
Alles zit in de plaat wat er in hoort te zitten. De riffs, de pompende bas en drums, de solo’s, you name it. Dead of Night heeft er nog een extra dimensie aan toe gevoegd in de vorm van een koortje in de refreinen.
Het is een, in mijn ogen, foutloos album geworden dat heel mooi is opgedragen aan de vorig jaar overleden Jolanda Lovell. Voor alle “ouwe rockers” en uiteraard iedereen die dit genre in het hart heeft zitten een absolute aanrader. Niet nadenken maar gewoon meenemen als je in de platenzaak staat. Hier staat het al dagen op repeat…
Metal Forces Magazine by Neil Arnold
Deadly Nightshade
No Dust (2022)
Rating: 8/10
Released on 1st April, this was certainly no Fool’s Day joke, Deadly Nightshade being the third offering from this heavy rock act formed by ex-members of cult Dutch act Picture.
Featuring Pete Lovell (vocals), Mike Ferguson and Andrew Wullems (guitars), Patrick Velis (bass) and Noel van Eersel (drums), this was always going to be a powerhouse of a record.
Opener ‘Running Out Of Time’ sets the tone with a warm, rich, almost cosy feel, evoking images of driving early to mid 80s rock. Lovell’s voice goes easy on the ears – clear yet commanding – and the band rumbles smoothly.
“Power rock” seems a good term to use, to quote the press release, and as the 11 tracks pan out we find ourselves immersed in an accessible yet swaggering opus – one so effortlessly created and masterful.
‘Drivin’ Me Crazy’ is a beast if a tune. It’s fiery, groove-based with hints of AC/DC in the rhythm, but always hard and soulful. Meanwhile, ‘Mystery’ is a steamy, sizzling semi-ballad, which again brings depth and soul. The instrumentation is always gloriously rich, so kudos to the production team for allowing each instrument to breath.
Other favourites are the pounding ‘It’s Not Criminal’ with its jabbing percussion, the almost thrashy ‘Kalashnikov’, the striding, anthemic ‘Distant Glow’, and the infectious ‘Dead Of Night’ which is almost glammy by design.
Lovell’s Blade are surprisingly flexible with styles, but the album always remains a hard rockin’ experience. It’s clearly a band that has earned its stripes, but the creative juices have certainly been flowing in the making of this superb platter.
Neil Arnold
Previous album reviews:
True Metal Fan by Toine van Poorten (September 9th 2019)
LOVELL'S BLADE-The Nightmare Begins.... (Stone Cold Records)
LOVELL'S BLADE is the new band of Pete Lovell, after he left PICTURE to make room for original singer Ronald van Prooijen. I guess that these were hard times, because Pete made sure that the legacy of PICTURE was put forward in an incredible way. The gigs I witnessed with him as front man were incredible and mind-blowing. When he left, he created a new band and he took two other PICTURE members with him. Both guitar players Andre Wullems and Mike Ferguson joined him in his new outfit LOVELL'S BLADE and they released a new album, called "Stone Cold Steel", not long after the resurrection. The band was completed by Noel van Eersel on drums and Patrick Velis on bass. Their brand new album is called "The Nightmare Begins" and the twelve songs on this are worthy of fifty-five minutes of powerful metal. Opener "Make My Mark" will really make your day. It's catchy, powerful and has a lot of melody as well. Pete's vocals are very recognizable and I think that it sounds more powerful than a lot of fans would expect. It's the perfect opener to start the show. "Gonna Get Rough" is a good warning upfront, because this one is definitely sounding raw, rough and ready, ladies and gentlemen. It's a great catchy rock tune for which the band did a promo video (what a good choice!), so you'd better check this out, too. Title track "The Nightmare Begins" is groovy and ready to sing along. I wish there were more nightmares like that, because the steady rock sound goes on and the powerful riffs are great. "Slippin' Away" contains a lot of groovy riffs in combination with the sensitive vocal lines, which is a good combination in my opinion. "Nothing But The Truth" confirms that the overall sound is much heavier than on the previous album. The melody remains but the riffs are louder and the guitars receive a more prominent place. Pete's voice is still very powerful and rough, where needed and it even gets more sensitive in the ballad type of parts. The songs rock from the start and a song like "Take The Long Way Home" will do just fine in a live situation. Satisfaction guaranteed, I think. I just love the guitar solo of Mike here, which reminds me of Brad Gillis (NIGHTRANGER & OZZY). "Behind The Curve" is one of those songs, which will be hammered in your brain forever. Once you've heard it, you will sing along to the chorus the next time you'll hear it. "Tangled Web" is the first short moment of rest. It might even appeal to some of the latter BEATLES fans, which the band can take as a compliment. It's a nice little song to dream away. Which can't be said of the very firm rocker "Against The Grain" with its double leads and a hard hitting Noel. The very distorted vocals in "No.1. Suspect" makes this song much heavier and groovier than it already is. The steady beat feels the groove and on top of it all, Andre adds another great guitar solo. One of the highlights on this album is definitely "Alien Dictator", which starts with some science fiction-like sounds. And just pay some attention to the powerful drum beats, the grinding riffs and the amazing guitar solos here. The last song is called "Promise Me Pain" and with a title like that, I expected at least a beautiful ballad to round things of. None of that at all, the band bashes on firmly, as they started off. "The Nightmare Begins..." is a great album, which shows that Pete and his band are still rocking it out loud at their very best. Some songs still have a certain catchy feeling, but Pete also dares to walk beside the paved path. He showed us his craftsmanship as a song writer and musician and LOVELL'S BLADE prove that they belong to the top of the Dutch metal and rock scene. This album will put them there for sure and it's a place where they belong. If you already liked their "Stone Cold Steel" album, this will surely be a good addition to your collection. Go to: or for all the information about this band. LOVELL'S BLADE consists of Pete Lovell on vocals, Noel van Eersel on drums, Andre Wullems on guitar, Mike Ferguson on guitar and Patrick Velis on bass.
(8,5/10- Toine van Poorten)
23 March 2019 by Edwin van Hoof
Lovell’s Blade is the band consisting of former Picture band members that deviated after the Dutch longest running metal band rifted in 2016. Upon the release of their debut offering `Stone Cold Steel’, the troop around vocalist Pete Lovell toured continuously, growing as a band, ready for a new album to be recorded. The fruit of their labor is this brand new `The Nightmare Begins’, and it links to their past as well as it moves forward with stride.
With Pete Lovell at the helm, Picture recorded the excellent `Eternal Dark’ and `Traitor’, followed by their reunion albums `Old Dogs New Tricks’ and the much better `Warhorse’. With the band’s original and most epic recording line up reuniting, Lovell moved on tagging along Picture’s ‘next gen’ members recording the debut choke full of the classic Picture ingredients. This second album contains more of the obvious, though Lovell’s Blade also drifts into more melodic sideways. Though Lovell himself is not the most memorable voice in metal history, he still roars fiercely and powerful. It’s that binding characteristic that revives the Picture `Eternal Dark’ vibe frequently and moves more melodic on numerous occasions. It is exactly what matches the Blade that cuts so razor-sharp. The outcome is a genuine classic metal album deeply rooted in the 80s, drawing from a wide variety of heroes and keeping that spirit alive. Not renewing, not pretentious. No knock offs either, but plain and simple melodic rocking metal delivered by seasoned musicians. The ‘all star’ line up delivers a powerful performance with a spotlight on the guitar tandem of Mike Furgeson and Andre Wullems. Tasteful solos and powerful executed riffs propel Lovell’s Blade forward, unloading a true 80s vibe. Patrick Velis (bass) and drummer Noel van Eersel lay down a solid and loud foundation to build upon. Like I said: power and passion over all, no weak moments to be spotted.
Standout tracks are the riff driven ,,Take The Long Way Home”, copied almost one on one on the following ,,Behind The Curve”. The powerful and melodic hymn ,,Promise Me Pain”, with its stop ’n go riffs pushing lyrical agony forward, is sublime and an instant favor. Wonderful is intriguing and multi layered ,,Tangled Web”, a song that distils melodic with low pace and slick chorus. Insanely nesting melodies and outlined with psychedelic vocals, reminiscent to King’s X and eighties heralded Electric Love Boys. The song has a powerful urge to it and more than once throws you off with its powerful melodic deliverance and slick melodies. Likely impressive is the earworm title track, with its rolling drums and excellent twin guitar harmonies. More roaring and metal packing are the energetic ,,Against The Grain” and the double bass kicking ,,Make My Day”, as is the blunt hooked and progressive drummed ,,Alien Dictator”. Lovell’s Blade moves forward in a more melodic direction without discarding their past metallic shine. `The Nightmare Begins’ is an album full of ear mingling choruses and melodies, which makes their debut looking pale around its nose. The production by Serge Naberman is crystal clear bringing out the musical detail and dynamics, adding to the pleasure of the album. With Lovell aware of his vocal weak spots, he keenly dismissed pitches and stretches not matching his register. Thus his powerful gritty voice stands tall as flagship of the band.
All in all an enjoyable album choke full of musical craftsmanship.
Joussef CJ Overmaat aan Rock Column Community 22 november 2017
In 2016 besloot de band Picture terug te gaan naar haar oerbezetting. Zanger Pete en gitaristen Mike en Andre pasten niet meer in dat plaatje en besloten hun eigen weg te gaan. Samen met drummer Noel en bassist Patrick werd dat Lovell’s Blade. De band liet er geen gras over groeien en begin 2017 kwam Lovell’s Blade’s debuutalbum ‘Stone Cold Steel’ uit. De band haalt haar inspiratie uit de heavy rock van AC/DC en de klassieke metal van bijvoorbeeld Saxon.
Dat AC/DC een belangrijke inspiratiebron is voor de band blijkt al bij de introtune. Voor Pete en zijn mannen het podium betreden schalt het klassieke intro van ‘T.N.T.’ door de speakers. Pete zou zo maar familie van Robert Plant kunnen zijn met zijn blonde manen en witte baard. Maar daarmee houdt de vergelijking wel op. Pete heeft een markante en doorleefde rockstem die perfect past bij de powerrock die Lovell’s Blade maakt. Opener ‘Dynamite’ maakt gelijk duidelijk waar Lovell’s Blade voor staat: een betonnen fundament van bas en drums waarover Andre en Mike kwistig strooien met hun powerrriffs en solo’s. Lovell’s Blade balanceert op de kruising tussen heavy rock en metal en doet dat met zichtbaar speelplezier. Natuurlijk passeren ook een aantal Picture classics de revue. Dit tot zichtbaar genoegen van een deel van het publiek. Een van die klassiekers, ‘Traitor’ groeit uit tot het hoogtepunt van de show. Old school metal met donderende ritmes, gierende metalriffs, dubble solo en gloedvolle zang.
English translation
In 2016 the band Picture decided to go back to her rearing. Singer Pete and guitarists Mike and Andre no longer fit in that picture and decided to go their own way. Together with drummer Noel and bass player Patrick, that became Lovell's Blade. The band did not grow any grass and in early 2017 Lovell's Blade's debut album "Stone Cold Steel" came out. The band takes her inspiration from the heavy rock of AC / DC and the classic metal of, for example, Saxon. That AC / DC is an important source of inspiration for the band already appears in the intrusion. Pete and his men enter the stage, the classical intro of 'T.N.T.' by the speakers. Pete could just be Robert Plant's family with his blond man and white beard. But that does mean the comparison. Pete has a distinctive and survived rockstem that fits perfectly with the powerrock that makes Lovell's Blade. Opener 'Dynamite' makes it clear where Lovell's Blade stands for: a concrete foundation of bass and drums that Andre and Mike scattered with their powerrriffs and solos. Lovell's Blade balances on the cross between heavy rock and metal and does that with visible play fun. Of course, some Picture classics also pass the revue. This to the visible pleasure of a part of the public. One of the classics, 'Traitor', grows to the highlight of the show. Old school metal with thundering rhythms, sparkling metal riffs, dubble solo and glowing singing.
Holland heavy metal (Toine van Poorten) (8/10)
LOVELL'S BLADE-Stone Cold Steel (Limelight Records)
The second dose of Pete Lovell continues with the debut album of LOVELL’S BLADE, the new outfit by this singer, who also contributed on the EMERGENCY and PICTURE albums, released on Divebomb. The album contains ten tracks, worthy of about forty-five minutes of melodic rock. The rich career of the Jersey based metal singer came to a point, where he formed his own band, which carries out his name. With LOVELL’S BLADE Pete is about to conquer the world, starting in Holland and South America. Do we also hear back some influences from his former band PICTURE and EMERGENCY? We’ll soon find out. Of course his very recognizable voice will easily point you into that direction, however opener “Legend In A Day” doesn’t really sound like PICTURE or EMERGENCY at all. Instead, you’ll hear a ballsy rock song with a very nice guitar solo in the middle. Well, I can tell you that much, that Pete really is a legendary singer in my book, which definitely didn’t happen in one day. He came a long way and never gave up on music. He’s a dedicated singer, who loves his fans and follows his dreams and heart. I hear influences of AC/DC in the opening riffs of “Dynamite”. Heavy rock is the best description, I can give you. “Rollin’ On” is also their first video clip and the twin guitars by Andre Wullems and Mike Ferguson rock like hell. This is ‘feeling good’ rock music to the max and an excellent choice for a video clip. Arena rock, rock for the masses, easy on the ear with a catchy twist and shortly, everything a rocker wants to hear. Who’s got demons in her eyes? She must be the “Devil’s Daughter”. This song rocks a bit slower and darker, but still with a catchy touch and some massive guitar licks. The first choir vocals announce itself in “Nothing To Lose”, which is very easy to sing along to, if you like. What have you got to lose? The guitars really sound superb again here. It reminds me of the ultimate marriage between EMERGENCY and PICTURE, which would be VENGEANCE in my opinion. Heavy rock with a lot of balls, but still catchy enough to sing along to it. “Out For Blood” rocks a bit louder and it will definitely please the old school metal heads, I guess. I think, it’s the loudest track off the album. Then it’s time for the obligatory ballad and the acoustic guitars. You’d better dim the lights and stare “Into The Sun”. The song starts off with some acoustics but soon the speed goes up a bit and it becomes more powerful than I’d expected at first. It’s the perfect song to play on a lazy Sunday morning. “Rise And Fall” starts off with the sound of air raid and I hear marching soldiers. Without getting too militaristic here, this song has got a strong beat and some awesome guitar work. After the first listening session, “Inside Out” has easily become one of the highlights for me. At first, AC/DC would be a reference and the very catchy drive works just excellent. “Stone Cold Steel” sounds less metal than PICTURE, but it rocks more than EMERGENCY. It’s got the best of both worlds, as far as I’m concerned. The album closes with “As Much As I Can”, which is the second video clip of the band, and another great rock tune with a catchy touch. The songs are easy on the ear and even after a first listen, they ask for more, which is good. Pete Lovell has reached his destination with LOVELL’S BLADE. The band pounds “Stone Cold Steel” and the music is hot and catchy. His partners in crime are Patrick Velis on bass, Noel van Eersel on drums and former PICTURE guitar tandem Mike Ferguson and Andre Wullems (ex-GERMANE). Unfortunately, we missed the CD presentation in de Baroeg, but we will catch up with the band at the Very “Eavy festival in Stadskanaal or on one of their many other live shows in Holland. I’m sure, it will be dynamite! Go to http:// or for all the information that you need of this rocker from The Channel Islands.
Lovell’s Blade – Stone Cold Steel
Kent u ‘m nog, Pete Lovell? Hij had de ondankbare taak om Schmoulik Avigal op te volgen bij Picture, net toen de band was doorgebroken met Diamond Dreamer. Het succes konden ze niet continueren, maar Lovell bleef ze trouw van 1983 tot 1987 en later weer van 2007 tot 2016. Toen maakte hij bekend samen met Picturecollega’s en -gitaristen André Wullems en Mike Ferguson een nieuwe band te beginnen, Lovell’s Blade. Stone Cold Steel is het debuut van deze nieuwe band.
Het drietal is aangevuld met bassist Patrick Velis en drummer Noel van Eersel voor wat je het beste zou kunnen omschrijven als hedendaagse New Wave Of British Heavy Metal: classic rock die op zijn tijd tegen heavy metal aanschurkt. Deze mannen hebben een leven lang AC/DC en Saxon achter zich, en dat hoor je. Stone Cold Steel is stoere-mannenrock, maar vooral heel veel pret.
Het recept is overbekend: een degelijke riff, steevast snel op weg naar een meebrulbaar refrein en uiteraard ook steeds een gitaarsolo – soms door Wullems, soms door Ferguson, soms door beiden. Is dat erg? Welnee, AC/DC is ook nooit intermezzo’s met jazzy akkoordprogressies gaan spelen. In genres als dit hangt de kwaliteit vooral af van de songs en de technische vaardigheden van de muzikanten.
En daaraan merk je dat Lovell, Wullems en Ferguson een fikse bak ervaring met zich meebrengen. Van bluesgeörienteerde stampers als “Rise And Fall” en “Devil’s Daughter” tot een heavy, up-tempo hakken-voor-gevorderden-track als “Out For Blood” en de fijne powerballad “Into The Sun”, het is meteen vertrouwd. De klapper staat helemaal aan het eind: “As Much As I Can”, met een mooi gitaarloopje waarmee ze op de valreep nog even de gebaande paden verlaten.
Lovell voelt zich hoorbaar op zijn gemak in dit genre en kan zo te horen nog heel wat jaren mee. De ritmesectie is sober maar verzandt nergens in clichés. Een azijnzeiker zal misschien zeggen dat dit genre één groot cliché is, maar het is dankzij bands als Lovell’s Blade dat dat cliché toch vooral dikke pret blijft.
Qua sound is het lekker heavy, met een gitaargeluid dat aardig puur is gehouden. Toch klinkt het strak, modern en helemaal af. Petje af voor Serge Naberman, die het album met de band produceerde. Waar bij tal van bands te horen is dat het budget niet oneindig was, klinkt Stone Cold Steel beter dan het budget waarschijnlijk zou doen vermoeden.
Stone Cold Steel laat horen dat met de juiste instelling en uitwerking – ook in een genre waarin alles al een keer gedaan is – nog steeds verdomd leuke albums te maken zijn.
Leuk detail: voor de echte nostalgie is dit album zelfs verkrijgbaar op cassette…
English Translation
Lovell's Blade - Stone Cold Steel
Posted on May 3rd, 2017 by Eric van den Bosch
Classic rock
Into The Limelight Records
Lovell's Blade
Album review
Do you remember, Pete Lovell? He had the unfortunate task of following Schmoulik Avigal at Picture, just when the band was broken with Diamond Dreamer. The success could not continue, but Lovell remained faithful from 1983 to 1987 and later again from 2007 to 2016. Then, together with Picture Colleagues and Guitarists André Wullems and Mike Ferguson, he announced a new band, Lovell's Blade. Stone Cold Steel is the debut of this new band.
The three were supplemented with bassist Patrick Velis and drummer Noel van Eersel for what you could best describe as contemporary New Wave Of British Heavy Metal: classic rock that hits its time against heavy metal. These men live for a lifetime AC / DC and Saxon, and you hear that. Stone Cold Steel is tough men's rock, but especially fun.
The recipe is famous: a solid riff, fast on the way to a resilient chorus and of course a guitar solo - sometimes by Wullems, sometimes by Ferguson, sometimes by both. Is that bad? Well, AC / DC is never going to play intermezzo's with jazzy chord progressions. In genres like this, the quality depends mainly on the songs and technical skills of the musicians.
And you notice that Lovell, Wullems and Ferguson have a solid baking experience. From blues-sponsored stampers like "Rise and Fall" and "Devil's Daughter" to a heavy, up-pace chopping-for-advanced track like "Out For Blood" and the intuitive powerballad "Into The Sun", it's instantly familiar. The claw is all the way to the end: "As Much As I Can", with a nice guitar run that leaves the beaten path a short while.
Lovell feels audible at ease in this genre and can be heard for many years. The rhythm section is sober but does not transmit in clichés. An azine sailor might say that this genre is one big cliché, but it is thanks to bands like Lovell's Blade that that cliché remains a lot of fun.
The sound is good, with a guitar sound that is kept pretty clean. Still, it sounds tight, modern and all the way down. Hats for Serge Naberman, who produced the album with the band. Where many bands hear that the budget was not infinite, Stone Cold Steel sounds better than the budget would probably suggest.
Stone Cold Steel tells us that with the right setting and elaboration - even in a genre that has already been done all the while - still making damn fun albums.
Nice detail: For real nostalgia, this album is even available on cassette ...
LOVELL'S BLADE – Stone Cold Steel
A través del sello holandés Into The LimeLight Records llega a mis manos el álbum debut de esta banda de veteranos rockeros llamada LOVELL'S BLADE, que nace tras unión de varios ex-componentes de la banda holandesa de Hard Rock y Heavy Metal PICTURE. Un nuevo proyecto liderado por el vocalista Pete Lovell junto a los guitarristas Mike Ferguson y Andre Wullems, todos ellos anteriormente en PICTURE, a los que se les han unido el bajista Patrick Velis y el batería Noel van Eersel completando la alineación. “Stone Cold Steel” es el título de su primer disco y fue grabado y mezclado por Serge Naberman en Claim To Fame Studios. Un trabajo que ve la luz en Norteamérica a través del sello Divebomb Records y en Europa y Asia a través de Into The LimeLight Records.
Tras su trabajo en bandas como PICTURE y EMERGENCY Pete Lovell vuelve a la carga con este nuevo proyecto a medio camino entre el Hard Rock y el Heavy Metal de corte clásico que toma el nombre de LOVELL'S BLADE. Un disco en el que desde la cubierta hasta el último de los temas cumple con las expectativas que un trabajo de estas características suscita, desde la espada alada de la portada hasta el potente sonido final, pasando por el título. Puede incluso parecer un poco tópico, pero en realidad “Stone Cold Steel” le da un toque de frescura a la manera tradicional de hacer Hard Rock y Heavy Metal, manteniendo la fidelidad al género y aportando la experiencia de gente como el propio Pete Lovell. Por eso el álbum es una apuesta segura dentro de este tipo de sonidos.
Desde ese comienzo estelar con dos temas como son “Legend In A Day” y “Dynamite”, de riffs memorables y estribillos pegadizos, hasta cortes de Heavy Metal puro y duro como “Out For Blood”, pasando por la luminosa balada “Into The Sun” o por cortes tan rockeros como “Rollin' On”, “Nothin' To Lose”, “Inside Out”... este disco está lleno de Hard Rock del bueno, tocado con pelotas y liderado por una voz carismática que sólo un veterano como Pete Lovell podía ofrecer. De modo que si no quieres perdértelo deja ya de leer y apunta de inmediato este nombre: LOVELL'S BLADE.
English translation
LOVELL'S BLADE - Stone Cold Steel
Lovell's Blade
Through the Dutch label Into The LimeLight Records I get the debut album of this band of veteran rockers called LOVELL'S BLADE, which is born after union of several former components of the Dutch band of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal PICTURE. A new project led by vocalist Pete Lovell along with guitarists Mike Ferguson and Andre Wullems, all previously PICTURE, who have been joined by bassist Patrick Velis and drummer Noel van Eersel completing the lineup. "Stone Cold Steel" is the title of his first album and was recorded and mixed by Serge Naberman in Claim To Fame Studios. A work that sees the light in North America through the label Divebomb Records and in Europe and Asia through Into The LimeLight Records.
After his work in bands like PICTURE and EMERGENCY Pete Lovell returns to the load with this new project halfway between the Hard Rock and the Heavy Metal of classic cut that takes the name of LOVELL'S BLADE. A record in which from the cover to the last of the songs meets the expectations that a work of this characteristics raises, from the winged sword of the cover to the powerful final sound, passing through the title. It may even seem a bit topical, but in fact "Stone Cold Steel" gives a touch of freshness to the traditional way of making Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, maintaining gender fidelity and bringing the experience of people like Pete Lovell himself. That's why the album is a safe bet within this type of sounds.
From that stellar start with two tracks such as "Legend In A Day" and "Dynamite", from memorable riffs and catchy choruses, to cuts of pure and heavy Heavy Metal like "Out For Blood", through the luminous ballad "Into The Sun "or by such rocky cuts as" Rollin 'On "," Nothin' To Lose "," Inside Out "... this record is filled with Hard Rock of the Good, played with balls and led by a charismatic voice that only one Veteran as Pete Lovell could offer. So, if you do not want to miss it, stop reading it and immediately call it LOVELL'S BLADE.
Lovell's Blade Stone Cold Steel
by Gabriel “Svrtr” Zimmerman at 29 March 2017, 8:30 AM
Fans of classic heavy metal rejoice, for LOVELL’S BLADE has released its first album, “Stone Cold Steel.” Formed from former members of the Dutch metal act PICTURE with Peter Lovell, Andre Wullems, and Mike Ferguson, the act does well to draw on influences on the past and is likely to sit well in the hearts and headphones of fans of classic metal acts from the late 20th century. In fact, if one did not know better LOVELL’S BLADE could almost be confused to have existed in the time of these acts with their overall sound and the lyrics and titles of their songs. Without further ado I will dive right in.
Opening with “Legend in a Day”, it has all the makings of a classic metal song. A catchy mantra, a solid riff, a kind of more relaxed guitar beat, and (and I do not mean this negatively) quite a bit of repetition of sounds with lyrics that are your standard 80s metal lyrics (when said 80s lyrics aren’t about love). What this song also includes is a quite appealing guitar solo that fans beyond this genre can enjoy, and almost seems out of place in a song like this. Not in a negative way as the solo is quite good, but it sounds like it could easily lie in a different subgenre influenced by more classic heavy metal acts. Regardless, the song does well to establish what you can expect of the album. Following this is “Dynamite”, which is the type of song one can easily imagine being played along with the montage of a trucker on the road. Featuring a riff that screams diesel 18 wheeler and prominent bass use, with a guitar solo to match the tune of the riff, the song is again the type of song one can easily get into if a fan of the genre and has the same catchy tune that one could say marks the genre.
Next up is “Rollin’ On”, which again exemplifies the album as a whole. However, here there is better use of varying verses and song structure to help break up a sense of monotony one could get after listening for a while. I am quite a fan of the guitar solo here though, which, while easily can be argued to sound like a somewhat stereotypical 80s classic metal guitar solo, is well made. In fact, I would argue the same but it does not sound monotonous nor like it was ripped off and works in favor of the album for the fans who will enjoy it. Next song worth mentioning is “Devil’s Daughter”, the style of which is quite different than the previous songs. While still within the genre of classic metal, the vocal style and riffs vary quite a bit. Taking on a lower tone and a vocal style where the syllables match the notes of the riff in verses, with a seemingly more prominent lead guitar, the song is one I would more highly rate on the album. The solo is slowed down for one but the progression of it stands out better for me, but admittedly what I love most is the chorus. There is a melody in the chorus that pulls you in quite easily, and I must give props to Peter Lovell for the tone in which he does the chorus. It is one of those cases where any slight variance in tone during the chorus could change it massively for the worse, and I think the style in which it was done was exceptional for the song.
While “Devil’s Daughter” varied in style from the other songs, if it only varies then “Out For Blood” is nearly a completely different genre. Featuring a strong drum opening and containing more noticeable hardcore influences, this is likely my favorite song on the album. The guitar solo is especially well done here, and is also almost certainly the most technically complex one on the album. My only complaint is the fact that it is the shortest song on the album. This song will definitely appeal to the fans who also quite enjoyed the rising thrash metal of the 80s that rose when classic metal was still near its height. Finally I will close with “Rise and Fall”, whose beat kind of seems to fall into a “Eye of the Tiger” esque sound in the verses. During the chorus, I must admit the song feels kind of bland. The chorus never manages to catch your ear and feels stale and uninspired. One thing I do quite love about the song, however, is the guitar riffs that are played in sync with a soldier march that can be heard between the first chorus and the guitar solo, and I must still also give props to the solo. As before, the progression of it is done extremely well, and it creates a great sound even if it is not the most technically complex. Overall though, this song has a great solo and bridge but the chorus and verses fall a bit flat.
Honestly, my only complaint for the album is that it so exemplifies the genre it is aiming for, which is both positive and negative. It sometimes feel unoriginal because of it but ultimately it will be popular in the demographic the music was made for. Anyone who is a big fan of classic metal should listen to this band as soon as they can and look out for future releases from them.
Lovell’s Blade – CD-presentatie in de Baroeg
Op een druilerige vrijdagavond is er in de Baroeg de CD-presentatie van het debuutalbum Stone Cold Steel van Lovell’s Blade, een nieuwe Nederlandse band die er vaart achter zet, nadat zanger Pete Lovell en gitaristen Andre Wullems en Mike Ferguson in 2016 opgestapt zijn bij Picture. Andre deelt zoals beloofd kwistig plectrums uit aan bekende aanwezigen die al vroeg aanwezig zijn. Voordat Lovell’s Blade aan de bak kan, is er eerst een optreden van een andere Nederlandse band, te weten Jewel.
Na een half uur ombouwpauze is het dan tijd voor Lovell’s Blade. Het is in de zaal nu een stuk drukker en dat zorgt voor een gezellige ambiance. Onder de klanken van AC/DC’s TNT komen de heren op en wordt ingezet met Dynamite, hoe toepasselijk, ook al omdat in dit nummer toch wel de nodige invloeden van deze Australische band te horen zijn. Hierna volgt Legend in a Day, een vlotte onvervalste heavy metal headbanger, waarbij Mike en Andre afwisselend soleren, iets dat ze wel vaker zullen doen vanavond.
Nog twee nummers van het debuutalbum volgen, waarna Pete aangeeft dat de heren hun Picture-verleden niet zullen negeren, want er staat tenslotte 250 jaar ervaring op het podium. Of dit getal helemaal juist is gezien de wat jongere ritmesectie heb ik na journalistiek onderzoek helaas niet kunnen vaststellen, maar het zal er toch niet al te ver naast zijn. De ritmesectie staat overigens zijn mannetje, wat bij het eerste twee gespeelde Picture-nummers Eternal Dark en Griffons Guard the Gold blijkt. Hierna is het weer tijd voor vier nummers van Stone Cold Steel, waar blijkt dat je bij Nothing to Lose het catchy refrein al snel mee kan zingen, ook al ben je nog niet bekend met dit nummer. Ook de onvermijdelijke ballad komt middels Into the Sun voorbij, waarbij Pete de akoestische gitaar ter hand neemt.
Hierna is het tijd voor een Picture-nummer dat vermoedelijk in 1985 voor het laatst live gespeeld is. Traitor dus. Dit album luidde indertijd de neerwaartse spiraal van Picture in, maar het titelnummer mag er zeker zijn. Geweldig om dit weer eens live te horen. Hierna is het tijd voor de laatste twee nummers van Stone Cold Steel, middels de simpele rock ’n roll stamper Rollin’on en het hardste, kortste en snelste nummer van het album Out for Blood, dat de naam eer aan doet. Een prima uitsmijter.
Hiermee zijn alle (!) nummers van Stone Cold Steel gespeeld, dus kunnen we met recht spreken van een volwaardige CD-presentatie. Een toegift komt er ook nog aan, middels Into the Underworld van het Picture-album Eternal Dark. Hierna is de koek op en is het tijd om onder het genot van een drankje desgewenst nog na te praten met de bandleden, die al vrij snel het bargedeelte betreden. Met Lovell’s Blade heeft Nederland er gewoon weer een goede hardrock/metal band bij!
English Translation
On a rainy Friday evenings Baroeg CD presentation of the debut album Stone Cold Steel of Lovell's Blade, a new Dutch band that accelerate move after singer Pete Lovell and guitarists Andre Wullems and Mike Ferguson resigned in 2016 at Picture . Andre shares as promised lavish picks out to known attendees that are present early. Before Lovell's Blade to the bin, there is first an act of another Dutch band, namely Jewel.
After half an hour conversion pause it is time for Lovell's Blade. It's in the hall now a lot busier and that makes for a cozy atmosphere. Under the sounds of AC / DC's TNT are the lords and deployed with Dynamite, how appropriate, also because in this issue are surely hear the necessary effects of this Australian band. The following Legend in a Day, a smooth unadulterated heavy metal headbanger, where Mike and Andre alternating solos, something that she will do more tonight.
Two more songs from the debut album followed, and Pete indicating that the men will not ignore their past Picture, because finally, 250 years of experience on stage. Whether this number is quite correct given the younger rhythm section I have unfortunately been unable to determine after a journalistic investigation, but it will surely not be too far off his. The rhythm section is, moreover, are male, which at first played two songs Picture Eternal Dark and Griffons Guard the Gold shows. Then it's time for four songs Stone Cold Steel, which shows you at Nothing to Lose the catchy chorus all can sing along quickly, even if you're not familiar with this number. The inevitable ballad comes through Into the Sun beyond where Pete undertakes the acoustic guitar.
Then it's time for a picture number which is likely to last played live in 1985. Traitor so. This album at the time, heralded the downward spiral of Picture, but the title track there should be certain. Great to hear it once again live. Then it's time for the last two songs of Stone Cold Steel, through the simple rock 'n' roll stamper Rollin'on and the hardest, fastest and shortest song on the album Out for Blood, the name honors. A good bouncer.
This means that all (!) Songs played by Stone Cold Steel, so we can speak of a full CD presentation. A bonus is there still, through Into the Underworld from the Picture album Eternal Dark. After that the cake and it is time, if desired, after talking while enjoying a drink with the band members, who enter soon the bar area. With Lovell's Blade Netherlands is just another good hard rock / metal band in!’s Blade: Stone Cold Steel
Lovell’s Blade: Stone Cold Steel
Stone Cold Steel is the debut album from Lovell’s Blade, a new band led by a veteran of the Dutch heavy metal scene. Lovell, of course, is Pete Lovell, who is best known as the former frontman of Picture (and Emergency). Lovell is joined by former Picture guitarists Andre Wullems and Mike Ferguson as well as bassist Patrick Velis (Doghouse Gallows) and drummer Noel Van Eersel (Nembrionic).
It should surprise exactly no one that Stone Cold Steel sounds a lot like a Picture album, and that’s far from a bad thing. Lovell and company have a knack for delivering heavy, melodic tunes that just straddle the line between hard rock and heavy metal. Several of the songs on this album sound like supercharged Thin Lizzy rockers or heavier modern Uriah Heep. Lovell sounds terrific as expected. His voice is a bit weathered, but that just adds to the character of this album.
“Dynamite,” “Devil’s Daughter” and “Out for Blood” are the standout tracks on Stone Cold Steel, and while it drags a bit towards the end, overall the album is really solid and very satisfying.
If you were a fan of Lovell’s work in Picture (and you should be), you’re likely to enjoy Lovell’s Blade as well. Stone Cold Steel is a very promising debut that fans of bands like Black Star Riders, Saxon, Elixir, Last in Line, Uriah Heep and melodic hard rock in general ought to check out.
"Stone Cold Steel" is the melodic hard rockin' debut by "LOVELL’S BLADE", formed when several members defected from long-running Dutch hard rock legends Picture. Said members includes vocalist and namesake Pete Lovell, alongside guitarists Mike Ferguson and André Wullems. The trio then teamed up with bassist Patrick Velis and Noel van Eersel on drums to flesh out a powerful, well-equipped lineup for LOVELL’S BLADE.
Lovell moved from England to The Netherlands to be the vocalist for the group Emergency that released the CD ‘Martial Law’ somewhere in 1989, a superb slice of melodic hard rock recently featured on this blog in its remasterd form here.
Lovell stayed in The Netherlands and became the singer for Picture with whom he recorded several albums (amongst them ‘Eternal Dark’, one of the bands finest efforts).
It was a bit of a surprise that about a year ago Lovell resigned from Picture to start his own group Lovell’s Blade.
A couple of months after starting out the band was already snapped up by Dutch label Into The Limelight and Lovell's Blade also struck a deal for the North American territory with Divebomb Records.
All systems go for Lovell’s Blade, and "Stone Cold Steel" is their first attack containing 10 strong melodic hard rock songs including various tracks in a classy midtempo form ('Into The Sun'’ and 'As Much As I Can') but also some songs that pull the band in the direction of melodic metal / hard n' heavy - like the fierce and uptempo 'Out For Blood'.
So this is basically a CD that should appeal to a rather large rock audience as Lovell’s Blade can’t be shoved into a one dimensional musical style or approach.
Robust rockers like 'Dynamite', 'Legend In A Day' and 'Devil’s Daughter' will make you very aware that this outfit has got its shit together. A strong rhythm section, two inventive guitarists who come up with blasting riffs and who sound ‘together’ and a well experienced singer who puts it across with ease and power.
Then there's one of my favorites, the arena anthem 'Rise And Fall', turned up in rhythm and groove yet delivering more AOR sensibility as well.
The aforementioned 'Into The Sun' is something like a power ballad, rather long at that making it a bit tiring. But the guitar solo soars.
Lovell's Blade's "Stone Cold Steel" a strong product from The Netherlands that will raise some eyebrows if the right promotion, advertising and touring is provided.
"Stone Cold Steel" is a great calling card for this new formation that is still developing, even though they all are seasoned musicians. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for these guys, they have the chops and certainly some kick ass songs.
Highly Recommended
German review
Pete Lovell war über lange Jahre das Aushängeschild der Niederländer Cult- Band Picture und hat den Klassiker „Eternal Dark“ eingesungen. Doch wie im Laufe der Jahre bei Picture immer wieder normal, änderte sich das Line-Up ständig. Auch Pete Lovell und die Band trennten sich und nun hat er in Lovell’s Blade ein neues musikalisches Betätigungsfeld gefunden.
Das Debüt-Album spielkt dabei mit klassischem europäischen Metal, kann aber auch Einflüsse des Southern Rock nicht von der Hand weisen. Im Vordergrund steht dabei natürlich die raue Stimme von Pete himself, der trotz des vorangeschrittenen Alters noch immer eine unglaubliche Kraft in seinen Stimmbändern zu haben scheint. Hier merkt man deutlich, dass man alten Spirit aufrecht erhalten kann, wenn das Umfeld stimmt. Bedenkt man, dass er bei seinem Weggang von Picture auch gleich die beiden Gitarristen Mike Ferguson und Andre Wullems mitgenommen hat, wird auch klar, warum die Anlehnung an die klassischen 80er Jahre so deutlich im Vordergrund stehen. Ob ihm und seiner Band nun damit ein weiterer Klassiker gelungen ist, wird die Zeit zeigen. Ein grandioses Album mit alten Flair ist Lovell’s Blade aber allemal gelungen.
Fazit: Herrlich old school und doch auf der Höhe der Zeit.
English translation
The debut album plays classical European Metal, but can also be influenced by Southern Rock. In the foreground, of course, is the rough voice of Pete himself, who still seems to have an incredible power in his vocal chords, despite his advanced age. Here, one clearly realizes that one can maintain old spirit if the environment is right. Considering that he took the two guitarists Mike Ferguson and Andre Wullems on his departure at the same time, it also becomes clear why the emphasis on the classical 80s is so clearly in the foreground. Whether he and his band have succeeded in making another classic, time will tell. Lovell's Blade is a great album with an old flair.
Conclusion: Gorgeous old school and yet at the height of time.
15 February 2017 by Michel van de Moosdijk
Singer Pete Lovell moved from England to The Netherlands to be the vocalist for the group Emergency that released their CD ‘Martial Law’ somewhere in 1989. Lovell stayed in The Netherlands and became the singer for Picture with whom he recorded several albums (amongst them ‘Eternal Dark’, one of the bands finest efforts). It was a bit of a surprise that about a year ago Lovell resigned from Picture to start his own group Lovell’s Blade. The guitarists Mike Ferguson and Andre Wullems both had been active with Picture as well and joined up as did bass player Patrick Velis and drummer Noel van Eersel. A couple of months after starting out the band was already snapped up by Dutch label Into The Limelight (who have also provided a home for other Dutch bands like Martyr and Vandale) and the band also struck a deal for the North American territory with Divebomb Records (that has official copies of Emergency’s ‘Martial Law’ on offer as well, should you be interested in that one). All systems go for Lovell’s Blade and ‘Stone Cold Steel’ is their first attack containing ten melodic hard rock songs including a few more balladesque tunes (,,Into The Sun’’ and ,,As Much As I Can’’) but also some songs that pull the band in the direction of melodic heavy metal (like the fierce and up tempo rocker,,Out For Blood’’). So this is basically a CD that should appeal to a rather large rock audience as Lovell’s Blade can’t be shoved into a one dimensional musical style or approach. Robust rockers like ,,Dynamite’’, ,,Legend In A Day’’, ,,Rise And Fall’’ and ,,Devil’s Daughter’’ will make you very aware that this outfit has got its shit together. A strong rhythm section, two inventive guitarists who come up with blasting riffs and who sound ‘together’ and a well experienced singer who puts it across with ease and power. It is a product from The Netherlands that will raise some eyebrows if the right promotion, advertising and touring is provided. ‘Stone Cold Steel’ is a great calling card for this young formation that is still developing, even though they all are seasoned musicians. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for these guys.
Lovell’s Blade – Stone Cold Steel 9/10
Label: Into The LimeLight Records Release: 10.02.2017
Pete Lovell is the former frontman of the Dutch metal band Picture, and a year ago he left for good, took his guitar-playing friends Andre Wullems and Mike Ferguson simply with him, found a bassplayer (Patrick Velis) and a drummer (Noel Van Eersel), set them all up in the studio and conjured up an album that sets standards.
Produced by Serge Naberman, the frontman of the Dutch Rebel Stars, a brilliant album with melodic Metal in the style of the 80s was created. The guitar work and song structure often remind us of the old Accept, but also to Foreigner and some other old school bands.
You can hear that professionals have been working here, a round sound, catchy riffs, on-the-spot solos, a solid and brilliant rhythm section, a voice with recognition effect and everything right to the point, without unnecessary frills and furbelows.
The opener “Legend in a day”, not only does blow one’s ears off, it gets stuck inside your brain and stays there for a very long time. Just a week after hearing the song for the first time, I still cannot get it out of my head: my foot is tapping continuously, my fingers are drumming the chorus part, and according to the strange glances of my offices co-inmates, the head also starts banging in a not quite tolerable frequency .
It goes on with the simple but hard rocking “Dynamite”, to which Pete Lovell can really release the rock singer, and here he even sounds a little bit like Bruce Springsteen.
We continue with the drum-heavy “Rollin on”, reminding us of ACDC’s “High Voltage”.
“Devils Daughter” is another melodic rock song with a catchy chorus and a strong solo, while “Nothin to lose” also serves the fans of Aerosmith and ZZ Top.
The next song “Out for Blood” is the fastest track of the record, followed by “Into the Sun”, which starts with an acoustic part and seems to be the closest thing to ballad on this record.
“Rise and Fall” is a heavy history lesson in the style of Dio,
“Inside Out” leans scarily into the Britpop corner, and with the calm “As much as You can” an equally variable as ingenious album is closed.
“Stone Cold Steel” brings back the sound of the ’80s: honest, melodic Heavy Metal, which is still nasty enough to scare your mother-in-law.
For me it is already one of the top ten records of the year and I can only recommend to buy the CD as quickly as you can, it will quickly be sold out for a reason.
Spanish review
Los holandeses Lovell's Blade editan su primer disco, pero no son aprendices. En la banda hay varios miembros de la veterana agrupación Picture.
Hard rock sencillo y festivo, música para pasarla bien, refrescar la mente y divertirse. La canción inicial, “Legend In A Day” toma prestado (posiblemente de manera inconsciente, claro) parte del riff de “Can´t Live Without You” de los Scorpions. A partir de aquí, cada canción tiene un detalle como mínimo que te atrae. Así, el solo de “Rollin' on” destila actitud en cada nota y el riff de “Devil's Daughter” es un puñetazo sobre la mesa. Es a partir de esta pista que comienzo a darme cuenta que los solos de guitarra de Mike Ferguson y Andre Wullems, sin ser trabajo de virtuosos, trasmiten mucho sentimiento, aunque cuando hay que lanzarse al vacío a toda velocidad, están muy dispuestos. El solo de guitarra de “Out For Blood” es una magnifica muestra.
También nos damos cuenta que la banda ha trabajado en dos tipos de riffs de guitarra. Por una parte, los riff característicos del hard rock, sencillos y rítmicos, que escucharas en canciones como “Nothin' To Lose” y por la otra, riffs más heavys, incluso rozando el power metal, como los de “Out For Blood”. No dejan pasar un momento puramente zeppeliano en “Into The Sun”. El cierre con "As Much As I Can" es simplemente sublime, una de las mejores canciones del disco.
Además de esta, entre sus otras influencias destacables se encuentran las de Scorpions, Accept y los propios Picture, formados en 1979 y con diez discos marcando el camino.
El disco fue grabado y mezclado por Serge Naberman en los Claim To Fame Studios. La grabación saldrá por Divebomb Records en Norteamérica y por Into The LimeLight Records en Europa y Asia.
English Translation
The Dutch Lovell's Blade release their first album, but they are not apprentices. In the band there are several members of the veteran group Picture.
Hard rock simple and festive, music to have fun, refresh the mind and have fun. The opening song, "Legend In A Day" borrows (possibly unconsciously, of course) part of the riff of "Can't Live Without You" of the Scorpions. From here, each song has at least one detail that appeals to you. Thus, the solo of "Rollin 'on" distills attitude in each note and the riff of "Devil's Daughter" is a punch on the table. It is from this track that I begin to realize that the guitar solos of Mike Ferguson and Andre Wullems, without being work of virtuosos, convey much sentiment, although when they have to throw themselves in the vacuum at full speed, they are very willing. The guitar solo of "Out For Blood" is a magnificent sample.
We also realize that the band has worked on two types of guitar riffs. On the one hand, the riffs characteristic of hard rock, simple and rhythmic, you'll hear in songs like "Nothin 'To Lose" and on the other, riffs more heavily, even skimming power metal, like "Out For Blood." They do not let a purely Zeppelin moment pass in "Into The Sun". The closing with "As Much As I Can" is simply sublime, one of the best songs of the disc.
In addition to this, among his other notable influences are those of Scorpions, Accept and the own Picture, formed in 1979 and with ten albums marking the way.
The disc was recorded and mixed by Serge Naberman in the Claim To Fame Studios. The recording will be released by Divebomb Records in North America and by Into The LimeLight Records in Europe and Asia.